Circuit board factory: the era of "core" declassified by intelligent Internet of Things IC
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Circuit board factory: the era of "core" declassified by intelligent Internet of Things IC

Circuit board factory: the era of "core" declassified by intelligent Internet of Things IC

Circuit board manufacturers, circuit board designers and PCBA manufacturers explain to you that circuit board factories: the era of intelligent Internet of Things IC decrypting "core"

The Internet of Things is to connect more devices and objects with the Internet. The concept of the Internet of Things can be applied to different industries, including SMArt cities, networked cars, remote monitoring and wearable technology. Although there is still a long way to go before the Internet of Things becomes a reality, chip manufacturers seem to have set their sights on this MARKet with huge potential and hope to share it. IC decryption has also joined a new team of challenges, and is ready to make a big show in the Internet of Things era to achieve the "core" (new) era.

IC decryption takes the ride of the Internet of Things

There are many ways to enter the Internet of Things market, but as the Internet of Things is still in its infancy, no company has monopolized the market, which also leaves a broader space for future development. In order to win new industries, major chip manufacturers are developing products for the entire Internet of Things market, including processors, radio chips and memory chips. IC decryption will certainly not miss this ride. It will do more extensive development and research on processing, sensing and communication technologies, and properly integrate software and hardware to ensure the safety and intelligence of products.

Circuit board

Decryption of new industries benefiting IC

At present, Intel and Qualcomm, the two largest chip manufacturers in the world, both hope to gain a firm foothold in some Internet of Things markets and make great efforts in building infrastructure, networked cars and smart homes. Intel will focus more on wearable devices, while Qualcomm will focus on health care and automotive fields. The new industry has given birth to new needs, and the trend of chip intelligence and miniaturization is becoming more and more obvious. As a reverse technology means, IC decryption can quickly introduce the technical data of foreign advanced chips. China's Internet of Products chip development provides technical support to help domestIC chip manufacturers reap dividends in the blue ocean of the Internet of Things.

IC decrypts the challenges of the "core" era

The Internet of Things is the future development trend, which contains huge business opportunities. Successful chip manufacturers can call the shots in this market with huge value, while outdated chip manufacturers will become losers. The same is true for chip decryption companies. Therefore, in order to adapt to the industrial transformation, IC chip decryption companies need to carry out a major reorganization in time to adapt to the changes in market development. First of all, we should completely get rid of the limitation of following the trend, constantly learn and improve, and achieve new breakthroughs in new areas; In addition, IC decryption must also combine independent research and development, digest and absorb foreign advanced technologies, retain advantages, remove technical defects, and integrate their own innovative thinking and technical advantages to create a new chip with more personality and practicality. Integrate the concept of chip decryption secondary development into the actual operation, and constantly provide impetus for the positive research and development of domestic chips. Circuit board manufacturers, circuit board designers and PCBA manufacturers will explain to you the Circuit board factory: the era of intelligent Internet of Things IC decrypting "core".
